Between 10th and 14th April, 2024 we visited Katowice in Poland, as a conclusion of a year and a half long process, working with a team of participatory researchers and trainers based in Iceland (Fræðslumiðstöð atvinnulífsins) and Poland (Fundacja Europejski Instytut Outsourcingu, MDK2 Piekary Śląskie), focused on experiential learning and adult education. Together, we worked on enhancing the tools and methodologies of experiential learning and adult education at youth houses and centres.
We, as Povod Institute from Slovenia, had an important advisory and educational task for the development of the field in Polish institutions. At the same time, we also learned a lot about how to practically organize and mobilize young people at the municipal level. Many new ideas and partnerships were also developed for future work together.
We concluded with an online practical platform on adult experiential learning at youth houses, which is available in English and Polish language HERE.
HERE, you can also see our guide to creating an experiential learning curriculum through the three steps of designing, facilitating and evaluating.