Yesterday, on December 8th we had the pleasure of facilitating a participatory research session with a group of cultural workers, youth workers and youngsters on coding and decoding the concepts of art(s), community(ies), self-expression and belonging In Ankara.
The discussions were amazing for our unlearning and learning processes. We are conducting these participatory research sessions as part of our ongoing research “Community Art Practices from a Multilinguistic Lens for Intercultural Dialogue in the EuroMed Region”, a case study that unpacks community arts from a non-Anglo-centric point of view in Turkish, Slovenian and Arabic languages.
This participatory research is happening in cooperation with Povod, Reka Si in Slovenia, and the System & Generation Association in Turkiye and it is designed by intercultural trainer and researcher Samar Zughool.
This intercultural cooperation is enabled by the Anna Lindh Foundation for EuroMed dialogue through the ALF in Motion program. Learn more about it and how to apply for the next edition HERE.