Our programmes
List of projectsMentoring Power in Integration, volume 2

Mentoring Power in Integration, volume 1
“Mentoring Power in Integration” is a participatory training course that unpacks our understanding of mentoring, uprooting it from its hierarchal context into an environment of equal participation and peer-to-peer support. Participants that joined us in the training course were based in Slovenia, Italy, Estonia, France, Greece, Malta, Poland, Sweden and Türkiye. This training course is part of the Key Action 1 Erasmus+ program under the identification number: 2023-1-SI02-KA152-YOU-000149289, and it is funded by the National Agency of Erasmus plus in Slovenia.
Be Art Together
The project “Be Art Together!” is an initiative of an international team from Poland, Portugal, Romania and Slovenia, aimed at supporting artistic education conducted using online too ls, as well as promoting local culture and artistic forms via the Internet. Our e – learning platform allows you to share materials and exchange experiences of art education teachers, thanks to which they can broaden their knowledge in the field of working m ethods and the use of new tools; as well as downloading art education in a remote form, available to everyone in an unlimited, free form.
Official Development Assistance, ODA in times of crises
In cooperation with European Network of Political Foundations (ENoP) we published the publication “Official Development Assistance in the times of multiple crises”. In the first part publication deals with the definition of “ODA”, monitoring plans of civil society organisations, information on determining multilateral and bilateral aid, an introduction to EU official development assistance policies and an analysis of Slovenian official development assistance policy. The second part is dedicated to information on important trends that accompanied European “ODA” between 2020 and 2022 through numerous crises.

WE for local development
“Women Empowerment for Local Development” is a project developed under the aegis of Erasmus+ KA210 Small Scale Partnership in the field of Adult Education between Slovenia, Romania and Türkiye, with local and international workshops, meetings pieces of training, and seminars on women leadership for local empowerment. The project took place for one year, under the identification number: 2021-1-TR01-KA210-ADU-000035064.

Leaders of the future
“Leaders of the future” gathered educators and youth workers from Lithuania, Italy, Estonia, Greece, Malta, Poland, and Slovenia. The program was designed by Povod Institute, based on the pedagogy of the oppressed and intercultural learning. The participants enhanced their competencies in intercultural leadership, emotional intelligence, storytelling, goal life settings, creative leadership, the different leading styles, the design-thinking process, and the theory of change for inclusion in youth work. It is an Erasmus+ key action 1, with identification number: 2020-1-SI02-KA105-015535

Policy coherence for Sustainable Development
“Policy Coherence for Sustainable Development” is a cooperation between Slovenia, Poland and Türkiye that aims to give practical information on the EU accession process and cooperation between the EU and Türkiye; the content of this guide is addressed to Civil Society Organizations in Türkiye and the EU to learn more about the EU accession process and available funds and opportunities to get engaged and contribute to the EU-Türkiye cooperation in the field of Youth and Sustainable Development. The Instrument for Pre-Accession Assistance (IPA) with identification number: TR2016/DG/03/A3-01/637.

STORYsilience is an international cooperation with partners from Slovenia, UK and Türkiye, working with youth, trainers, youth leaders and project managers. STORYsilience combines two words: STORYTELLING & RESILIENCE. This project explores how telling and retelling our experiences and stories of the pandemic can build our capacity to cope mentally or emotionally with challenging circumstances and adapt to the new reality and any future stresses on people, place and planet. It is an Erasmus+ key action 2 program that took place for two years between 2021-2023, with its identification number: KA227-C1D4EEFD.
Women in Creative Power
Women in Creative Power is a two years program that aims to enhance the inclusion of migrant women in the labor markets through entrepreneurship in the creative sector. It is an international cooperation between Slovenia, Luxembourg, Sweden, and Hungary crossing five stages of 1. research on factors that may hinder equal participation and the integration of migrant women in labor markets 2. creation of an inclusive mentorship program that enhances cooperation between local creative industries and migrant women who are interested in entrepreneurship in the creative sector 3. providing tandem training programs to enrich intercultural intelligence through cocreation and intercultural partnerships, 4. The elaboration of videos for story telling and sharing experiences, and 5. Creation of board games as a tool for integration.

Sustainable Development Through Sport
is an international cooperation between Slovenia, North of Macedonia, France and Turkey under Erasmus+ KA2 Strategic Partnership in the field of Adult Education. It aims to enhance sustainable development by creating inclusive environments in sport where women in NEET can combat gender-based discrimination through sport in cooperation with other stakeholders such as adult educators, non-governmental organizations and sport clubs.

Integration in Globalization
“Integration in Globalization” is a program that aims to enhance the bridge between research on integration and migration programs and the end-users of these programs. This is in order to deliver a sense of ownership to all involved stakeholders and especially to the end-users of migration and integration programs. This is an essential part to achieve a transparent evaluation of programs that aim to enhance inclusion and sustainable development. The seminar is developed based on the pedagogy of the oppressed and the five principles of gender mainstreaming to generate themes, words, and concepts that uncover inequalities in the discourse of migration and integration. This is in order to achieve cultural ethnography and intercultural sensitivity when developing research designs on integration and migration programs.

Make Europe Sustainable For All, MESA
This program is a 3,5-year cross-sectoral cooperation run by 25 partners from across Europe. Its aim is to promote ambitious implementation of the world’s crisis plan – the 17 UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – by and in the EU. The project aims to strengthen civil society networks working on SDG implementation across the EU and to highlight to the public and political leaders at the local, national, and European level that SDG implementation is crucial for an inclusive, sustainable and resilient future for all people and planet.

Bridge between Europe and Asia called synergy
is a two years project for strategic partnership building in the field of youth and entrepreneurship between Asia and Europe. It’s main aim is to build mutual cooperation between young entrepreneurs from Europe and Asia through raising the capacity of youth organization about how to empower young people for entrepreneurship; giving young people a chance for their ideas about both social and sectoral enterprises which will result with an establishment of an online platform – tool of communication and cooperation for the young entrepreneurs from Europe and Asia.