Povod Institute is facilitating a two-week series of community arts and cultural management workshops in cooperation with amazing youth and youth workers in Tunisia.
The workshops are taking place in three youth centres in Tunis, Ein Derahim, and Tabarka.
We started on Tuesday with three creative and unforgettable days at the Institut Supérieur de l’Animation pour la Jeunesse et la Culture—ISAJC.
It was such a great inspiration to cooperate with a rich cultural and artistic centre.
The Higher Institute of Youth and Cultural Animation in Bër El Bey, Tunisia, was established in 1943 as the first academic institution dedicated to training professionals in the fields of cultural and youth animation, addressing the needs of cultural and youth institutions across the country.
The building has a rich and admirable history, moving from a colonial infrastructure to a rich, liberative educational centre.
This mobility of artists and cultural workers is financed by the European Union, under Culture Moves Europe and implemented by Goethe-Institut.