Am I inclusive?
A self-reflective questionnaire from the lens of gender and intercultural
sensitivity learning.
Take enough time for reflection before clicking on the question to find
the explanation.
Start by listing resonations or, thereof, the lack of them; if the
questions do not resonate with you, then list the reasons why you
believe that they do not.
This is a self-reflective questionnaire of eight questions reflecting on
inclusion from the lens of gender and intercultural sensitivity. This
questionnaire is designed for anyone who would like to conduct a short
self-reflection to explore inclusive and sensitive language regarding
interculturalism and gender diversity.
The team of Povod institute developed this questionnaire as part of their
contribution to the STORYsilience program, which is funded by Erasmus+,
the EU’s programme to support education, training, youth and sport in
STORYsilience Project 2020-1-UK01-KA227-SCH-094708
We recommend that you explore the learning guide and the STORYsilience
Toolkit for Creative and Inclusive Learning, which you may find in the
STORYsilience digital platform here.
To use this tool most efficiently, you can start by reading the questions
one by one. Try to identify any resonation for each question; afterwards,
unpack this resonation on an external and personal document. List any
thoughts, ideas or feelings regarding each question and the reasons
behind them; At the end, click on the question, and you will find an
explanation of the topic concerned from the lens of intercultural and
gender sensitivity learning.