What a great pleasure that we had while facilitating the second round of the online participatory training course “Gender Mainstreaming in Intercultural Management” in the Arabic language.
Povod’s intercultural trainer and researcher, Samar Zughool, designed and facilitated six sessions between the 2nd and 12th of November.
It was a great inspiration to exchange and learn from grassroots community mobilisers, project managers, researchers, and advocates for gender equality in Tunisia, Morocco, Jordan, Egypt and Yemen.
The Anna Lindh Foundation for EuroMed dialogue supported this programme through ALF Hands-On.
Gender is a political issue.
Gender equality and free Palestine are intersectional decolonial feminist issues.
We are thankful for the great partnerships we built, enhanced and learned with and from during the process:
- PADIL Association,
- جمعية سيدات قرى حوض الديسة - Disi Women Cooperative,
- Association ATAC,
- Fondation Tifsa Atlas,
- Center of studies and research in social sciences,
- مركز تدريب وتأهيل الشباب-عدن Youth Training and Rehabilitation Center-YTRC,
- Algerian Youth Leaders Foundation,
- IFMSA-Egypt

To find out more about ALF Hands-On program, click HERE.