Featured Programs

In our programs, we’re conscious of the world’s issues, but focusing on the solutions. Promoting sustainability through the Sustainable Development Goals, SDGs. By cooperating with a variety of stakeholders, we advocate, promote, educate, connect, and raise public awareness for a sustainable Planet.
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We have successfully concluded Inclusion in Actions, a collaborative program developed with our partner PIYA – Pi Youth Association, from Izmir, Türkiye. The program aimed to strengthen international cooperation in inclusion, intercultural dialogue, and migration, supporting local initiatives and expanding opportunities for collaboration and learning. It […]
Highlights from our “Tales, Dolls & Tours” exhibition in Ptuj Oljana Karpus took us on a creative journey into the heart of Ukrainian tradition, guiding us in crafting motanka dolls – symbols of protection, heritage, and creativity. Step by step, we shaped these unique dolls, each […]
Highlights from our “Tales, Dolls & Tours” exhibition in Ptuj Nataliya Akulova took us to on a fascinating journey to uncover the magic of the sacred Ukrainian talisman – Motanka doll. Handcrafted for over a thousand years, these charming faceless dolls were once thought to bring […]
Highlights from our “Tales, Dolls & Tours” exhibition in Ptuj Inna Shvec brought words to life through poetry, reciting her piece in both Ukrainian and Slovenian, bridging languages and emotions. Her poem, “Мотанка Ніна – оберіг душі” (“Nina the Doll – A Talisman of the Soul”), […]
Highlights from our “Tales, Dolls & Tours” exhibition in Ptuj Interculturalism is also an act of solidarity beyond borders and nationalities. Etaf Abdelrahman, a former social worker from Gaza, now living in Slovenia, took us on a journey of feminist resistance against patriarchy and colonization in […]
Highlights from our “Tales, Dolls & Tours” exhibition in Ptuj Svitlana Kuz took us on a journey through her storytelling, weaving connections between culture, migration, and community, while bringing people and places together. At the exhibition, she introduced us to four remarkable women who transcended borders, […]
Highlights from our “Tales, Dolls & Tours” exhibition in Ptuj Olga Senatorova Tisler took us on a journey through her exhibited work about the nomadic traditions of Kazakhstan, blending them with Slovenian heritage through upcycled materials and intricate patterns. Olga is a creative artist and maker […]
On February 20th, we organized a special event that brought together creativity, interculturalism, and storytelling. The first part of the event was a workshop led by Oljana Karpus. She introduced us to the traditional motanka doll from Ukraine and guided us step by step through the […]
By Samar Zughool, political scientist Since Trump came to power, he has been vocally threatening to open the doors of hell in Gaza, as if they were not already open. In his capitalist imperial vision, he articulated the “Riviera of the Middle East” plan for Gaza, […]
Join us for a creative Join us for a creative and inspiring event where storytelling is an art, and where urban spaces bring people together! Date: February 20, 2025 Location: Zavod MDC Mavrica, Slovenski trg 1, 2250 Ptuj At 15:00 – 16:30 Art workshop: Traditional doll […]
Opportunities, challenges, and recommendations from the perspective of Civil Society Organizations in the Southern Mediterranean region. Authors: Executive Summary:Given the ongoing humanitarian crises in the southern Mediterranean region, which are increasing inequalities within and between countries, the EU’s third Gender Action Plan, GAP III, appears to […]
Authors of the policy brief: Executive summary:Considering the intersectionality and diversity of inequalities women face in the southern Mediterranean region, the EU GAP III is a handy plan that adds intersectional and transformative approaches to gender equality through foreign policy. However, integrating the GAP III approaches […]
By Samar Zughool, a political scientist and intercultural researcher. In this article, I introduce the term Americanized Wahhabism to describe the U.S.-sponsored Islamization that promotes Wahhabi ideologies, which are deeply misogynistic and glorify toxic, hypermasculine dictatorships as interchangeable tools for occupation and neo-colonialism. The development of […]
“NOT Your Scheherazade” is an atheist, queer, and decolonial alternative interpretation of Scheherazade from the book “The Arabian Nights: Tales from a Thousand and One Nights”. The performance and subsequent discussions reflected on intersectional feminist resistance against the current geopolitics of fanatically religious, dictatorial regimes and […]
Reflecting on the last two weeks of December, we had the privilege of working with incredibly talented young people at youth centers in Tunisia. Our community arts workshops focused on body creative expression, performing arts, and the power of speech. We delved deep into storytelling, exploring […]


Povod, Institute for culture and development of international relations in culture A: Čučkova ulica 3, 2250 Ptuj, Slovenia T: +386 59 03 08 07 E: povod@povod.si
Co-funded by The European Union