We just delivered the Training for Trainers in our new transnational program, “StorySilience” Resilience through the arts of story-making and telling.
It is a program that will engage children and young people in formal and non-formal settings to retell stories of resilience during COVID 19 in four locations — Tower Hamlets, Cumbria, Turkey, and Slovenia — from the perspective of young people.
On the first day, Samar Zughool, from Povod, led the experiences on the pedagogy of the oppressed and intercultural sensitivity learning for story making and telling. The sessions included: Codifying. Generating, Acting, Reflecting, and Conscientizing for story making and telling towards resilience and justice.
Laura, Gabi, Fatema, and Triny from Cumbria Development Education Centre and Global Learning London, led experiences on the art of hosting a conversation in combination with philosophy for children as a tool for generating themes and codes for story making and telling toward resilience and justice. The Art of hosting is a great approach to creating inclusive spaces (safe and brave) to strengthen communities and their advocacy for humanization and justice. Mustafa from DeM Deneyimsel Eğitim Merkezi led the experience on the experiential learning cycle, the different learning styles of learners, and the different profiles of educators.
For the coming months, our Povod team is leading an intellectual process that combines all the mentioned approaches innovatively to produce an inclusive and innovative educational toolkit for story making and delivering through artivism for socio-political changes toward justice.