• GENDER MAINSTREAMING IN INTERCULTURAL MANAGEMENT: In this training course, which we designed and developed based on the Andregagogy of experiential learning, we are guiding a learning and exchanging process between professionals and staff members working in CSOs in our EuroMed region.
  • “LEADERS OF THE FUTURE” is an intercultural leadership training programme for young people, youth leaders, and professionals. The program’s framework is rooted in intercultural learning and the pedagogy of the oppressed. Intercultural leadership, emotional intelligence, storytelling, goal-setting, creative leadership, multiple leading styles, design-thinking, theory of change, and youth inclusion are all areas in which participants improve their competencies during this programme. Intercultural trainer and researcher Samar Zughool created and is leading this training session.
  • MENTORING POWER IN INTEGRATION, volume 1: In this training course, our trainer is guiding a critical learning process while delivering concrete steps on switching from traditional mentoring to reverse mentoring as a relationship based on equal participation and integration as a two-way process and stepping out from ethnocentrism to ethnorelativism.
  • BASICS OF SLOVENIAN LANGUAGE is an online training course that is free of charge, for people who would like to learn basics of Slovenian language. 
  • MENTORING POWER IN INTEGRATION, volume 2: The program started with arts and its techniques for grounding, team building and creating safe and brave spaces. We are creating and redefining our collective dictionary regarding mentoring, cultural awareness, experiential learning styles and intercultural communication.




  • Creartbase is an e – learning platform that is a part of the project “Be Art Together” and it is an initiative of an international team from Poland, Portugal, Romania and Slovenia, aimed at supporting artistic education conducted using online tools, as well as promoting local culture and artistic forms via the Internet. It allows you to share materials and exchange experiences of art education teachers, thanks to which they can broaden their knowledge in the field of working methods and the use of new tools; as well as downloading art education in a remote form, available to everyone in an unlimited, free form. 

To find the educational videos, click on the “COURSES” button on the home page, and there you can select the course of your choice.

Access the platform HERE.





  • “InterArts” is an informal group of passionate actresses and artists from Syria, Algeria, Jordan, Slovenia and Bosnia and Herzegovina who live in Ljubljana. In the light of Mediterranean Day, we held an InterArts performance; Reclaiming our Mediterranean through arts for dialogue.
  • Community art practices from a multilinguistic and intercultural lens for intercultural dialogue in the Euro-Med region; The findings address the common aspects of community arts in matters of space or ceremonies via desk research, such as the concept of SAMAR as the art of community conversations in the Arabic language or Mahalle in the Turkish language as social units to converse between community members on socio-political issues where arts could take place too.

  • “Be My Voice”; The training course promoted empathy and intercultural intelligence to boost emotional intelligence. Theatre and art helped them develop international solidarity skills for mental wellness. For the practical implementation, we had a selection of stories written and submitted anonymously by citizens across the Euro-Med region.
  • Shades of Accountability; In this stage, we aimed to invite people willing to participate in a community-building process to explore and artistically symbolise the politicisation of inner resilience and inner dialogues between the collective pressure as the “cups in the heads” and the individuation set of desires.
  • Decoding resilience is a performative journey of cleansing shoes in different locations in Slovenia while decoding and reflecting on the process of social and individual communications that we initiated or encountered.
  • SAMA Community Arts is a series of workshops using Performing Arts and its techniques to redefine heart-based communication and decolonise terminologies such as “citizenship.”
  • Red in Resilience is a theatrical performance inspired by diverse journeys of “women in or coming from societies influenced by the ideology of Islam in a geographical location named the “Middle East.”
  • Not your Scheherazade (“The Strike of Mecca“) is a story of 1001 nights by Samar Zughool.



  • PHILOSOPHY PUZZLES 2030 is a mystery-solving game, where the player in each mission encounters one philosophic mystery to solve. These mysteries are “official” philosophical ideas by most important philosophers and thinkers worldwide and from different times, going back to ancient Greece.
  • “SMART START” table game focuses on collaborative problem-solving and can be used to engage with non-direct and indirect beneficiaries of the “Women in Creative Power” project that was implemented to support the integration of migrant and refugee women into European societies.  


Povod, Institute for culture and development of international relations in culture

A: Čučkova ulica 3, 2250 Ptuj, Slovenia

T: +386 59 03 08 07



Co-funded by The European Union