We designed and facilitated the third edition of the international training course “Mentoring Power in Integration” in Zreče and Ljubljana from July 8th to July 15th.
This third edition is part of an annual series that we have been providing for the past three years.
We developed and implemented this training course based on the experiential learning circle and its different learning styles.
We combined various theories and designed interactive exercises to decode theoretical knowledge and put it into practice. This decoding process enhances mentorship and intercultural competencies, which combine knowledge, skills, and attitudes.
We are thankful to the wonderful participants who joined us in this peer-to-peer unlearning and learning journey. We are happy that we met colleagues and wonderful people who are working for interculturalism, peace, and common well-being.
The great groups of participants who took part in this training course are mentors, youth, and youth workers who come from everywhere and live in Portugal, Italy, Slovenia, Estonia, Malta, Poland, Greece, Türkiye, Denmark, and France.
To learn more about our methodologies in adult education and experiential learning, you can check out our teaching resources via our website, www.povod.si.